San Diego Renewable Energy Society


San Diego Renewable Energy Society


You are invited to join the San Diego Renewable Energy Society (SDRES) on Wednesday, January 12th, at 7pm.

Topic: Solar Desalination/Purification “Energy and Water for the world”.

Speaker: Barry L. Butler, PhD

Summary: Rapid advances in solar energy driven water purification and desalination will help to create a healthier and wealthier planet. The lack of clean water in Hatie has spawned an epidemic of water born Cholera. Energy and Water are linked with energy you can have clean water. In CA 20% of our energy budget goes to move water from the north to desert south, where we live. I will cover the desalination and purification technologies, Vapor distillation, single and multi-effect flash evaporation, Reverse osmosis and pasteurization. I will review the progress of the Carlsbad 50MGPD desalination plant.

SDRES programs are free and are held at:

California Center for Sustainable Energy,
8690 Balboa Avenue, Suite 100
(2 blocks east of Hwy 163 on the north side of Balboa). 

Pre-registration is not required. We hope that you are able to attend!

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